As we all know, addiction to digital content, in today’s world, can be extremely dangerous, especially for kids. We have seen many instances in which addiction to mobile games like PUBG has led players to rob and even take their own lives. Hence, with the introduction of the new law, China wants to solve this issue once and for all. According to reports, the upgraded law will ban certain online services and products which leads to addiction in kids. Moreover, major social networks, live-stream services, and game developers will have to integrate special features in their products and services to set time and consumption limits for the kids. Apart from these, the new law will also provide special rights for the kids and their parents to reduce cyber-bullying in the country. This privilege will give the children or their parents the right to ask internet providers to take “necessary actions” in any case of cyber-bullying. And if they find any inappropriate content online, they can, straight up, block or delete it from the web completely. As per the reports, this new law will be implemented in the country on June 1, 2021. And with this in effect, game developers and live-stream services will have to take special measures in order to prevent its users from getting addicted to their content.